Official Portraits
Family & Private Portraits
Other Paintings
About the Artist
Selected Commissions

Selected Publications

CNN News, Paul Zahn Now interview of Simmie Knox on unveiling of the Clinton portraits, Jun 14, 2004
Windows Media Player 3.17mb
Windows Media Player 11.3 mb
Real Player 14.3 mb

NPR Painting Clinton's White House Portrait Jun 14, 2004

Bold Stroke People Magazine, Jun 28, 2004

Now, Painter to the President Newsweek, Feb 26, 2001 - page 9

Face Time Forbes Magazine: Oct 8, 2001

Official Portrait Jet Online, Aug 10, 1998

Portrait of an Artist, University of Delaware Messenger, Volume 5, Number 3/1966

Simmie Knox - Striving for Simplicity, The World and I, Jul 1996, pp. 154 - 159

Images of Fatherhood: Loving, Lifting Hands, oil portrait, poster for Washington Urban League, Inc. Membership Drive, 1993

National Bar Association Magazine, cover portrait of Judge Theodore Newman, 1992

Cosby Classics by Warner Brothers, record album cover portrait of William Cosby

Simmie Knox with his two portraits of John Vincent Atanasoff painted for Iowa State University

Online Features

Iowa State University, Department of Computer Science, John Atanasoff portrait

University of Delaware, Office of PR Portrait of an Artist

University of Delaware Diamonds of Delaware and Maryland's Eastern Shore, Seven Black Men of Distinction

Portrait of John Hope Franklin Duke University

The Annapolis Complex Collection

University of Albany, University Update
Portrait Artist Simmie Knox to Paint Former President H. Patrick Swygert

Harvard Law School, News & Events: Harvard Law School to Unveil Portrait of Judge Deborah A. Batts Oct 24, 2001

Harvard University Gazette: Portrait of Batts unveiled at HLS